And this is the bit about myself...

I started this blog to share ideas. It is also my way of record keeping, of remembering what I have been up to. Not everything works out great, some things have quite a learning curve, and hopefully if you find this blog you might end up avoiding my pitfalls. If you find this because you drove high speed into the same pothole I did, welcome to the club.

I will try to keep us on topic, a bit of DIY here and there, some home improvement, décor ideas, a good smattering of gardening and, if it is a slow month, a little dash of crafting.

I am not an expert. In everything I have done, I have always been a generalist. Currently, I live in a small town somewhere in the middle of South Africa's Highveld. I am a Home maker (or for those of us who don't care for fancy titles; a stay at home mom). I have done the 9 to 5 thing for a few years before the (now) toddler arrived, but I enjoy the freedom to pursue my interests currently.


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